Sunday, March 7, 2010

With all the hot weather and the sudden downpours, I am sick.
Shots taken below are from the past week using Kodak Tri-X and Agfa precisa in Singapore.
Shot using the M6/Nikkor 5cm and R3A/Nokton 40mm.. I had processed the black and white images wrongly due to poor memory as I have two different developer in the tanks.. and I forgot which is which hence the difference in agitation time. Morever, I shot some color film by mistake using a orange filter which I forgot to remove.

So here are the pictures!

Reading at KAP.. waiting for 2pm to collect my M6. This happened last week.

Be yourself.... only better.

Surprisingly, he didn't face ahead.

Images from Chinese New Year eve where Phupin, Yani, Chee yong and I met for a lazy afternoon. We ended up in West coast park planning events for our birthdays for this year and next year and also Chee Yong chalet for next march.. Sigh, the things we do..


My mother had done this. I blame myself for the whole.

Low fat

No dinner

The day after the examinations! Valentine's day tickets. Too many stars in the show makes it boring.

Look at the liquid chocolate!

Another one from the darkroom. Here's the film fixer. I always forgot to pour the chemical back into the jug. Luckily I am always alone in the dark room.

For sale..

I admit I had a thing for the lower limit of human and landscapes


I <3 NY

An old and friendly guy at the Soup Spoon having his lunch at 3pm. Waiting for him to seat down before taking this frame.

Help me with this. "No I have to tie my tail, stop!"


I wished I had a better eye for straighter lines.

Green light green light cmon singapore weather!
He was fidgeting and swearing to himself in his native language.

Siesta (II)

Maps and Legends


I like poster reflecting irony or humour with people, but I certainly must refrain from taking back shots.

and blur shots.

Ledina! My colleague at work. She was employed in the same period which I had been- 16th December 2008. She's the only one left. I had left my job precisely about today.

Taking the bus back home

3 days back, a starbucks morning.

had a visit to my new home. Sigh

Walk the plank!

Please do not finish it.
I would certainly enjoy more time in clementi..

A visit to a temple with my dad. This dog is scary, I bend down to get a closer shot and he lunged at me and barked. The owner called out to his name and he squeaked.. Hahaha

A companion for previous dog. This guy had a broken limb but I guess his owner could not bear to put him to sleep..

I should stop doing this


Bought the novel! Had been looking for it since 2008. I had been too lazy to find it.

What i bring out when I go and shoot :)

The Nikkor glow on the glass.

Another Nikkor glow. None edited.

Chee Yong with the distracting bokeh in the back.

Mother Starship


Shot with my Agfa precisa and a Orange filter, by accident. I should keep a check on the filter always, and the ISO reading, and the battery. Grr.

Two happy tourist

"Where do we go from here?"


"Should I get one.."

These are all the bokeh swirly shots taken wide open. It was intended but I had used it in a wrong manner, I paid too much attention on the bokeh. I have so much to learn! :)
Thanks for looking, have a nice day!
